We need your support to fund more smart patrols, helping to prevent illegal logging and poaching in North Sumatra!
Here’s an update: ReForest Now has supported SMART patrol teams to secure and protect areas around the Gunung Leuser National Park in North Sumatra, Indonesia, for three months (July - September) in 2024. The map in the last picture shows a summary of the entire period covered by the SMART patrol, stressing the necessity of having these patrols in place.
The findings show increased evidence of illegal encroachment, burning, and poaching in the area.
The patrol team focused on securing the Tenggulun and Aras Napal forest blocks, which are particularly vulnerable to illegal encroachment activities due to their location. Supporting evidence of the fauna that is active in these areas shows how important it is for us to protect their habitat
at least two encroachment locations found
evidence of illegal logging (picture 1, above) and illegal burning (picture 8, below)
the finding of a separated Elephant’s jawbone (picture 2, below) indicating evidence of illegal poaching. The causes of the Elephant’s death are still being investigated.
evidence of significant fauna activity in the area, such as Elephants, Orangutans, Deer (footprint picture 7, below), Wild Boar (nest and water puddles, pictures 6 & 10, below), Red Backed Sea Eagles, Malayan Sun Bears (claw marks, picture 3, below) and Argus Pheasants (mating area picture 4, below).
The SMART Patrol teams work in close collaboration with local law enforcement and the Orangutan Information Centre (OIC) is engaging in dialogue and education with local communities, creating increased awareness of these issues. However, with more than 1,000 hectares in planning to be restored here in 2025, more support is needed to cover and protect the large area of the Gunung Leuser National Park.
We are increasing our efforts to plant trees and restore this critical habitat in Indonesia, and we need your help to keep it protected through measurements like these SMART Patrols. Please help by making a general donation that can be allocated towards supporting another SMART Patrol team. You can do so through the link below:
